
Welcome to the TextRazor documentation center. Here you'll find tutorials, guides and API references for our SDKs and REST endpoints, as well as information on the TextRazor custom rules engine.

If you can't find what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us at

Getting Started

Sign Up for an API key and you're ready to go!

If you're just getting started or fancy some inspiration for your next TextRazor project, check out our tutorials page where we we walk through some common tasks.


TextRazor's SDKs are the easiest way to get started. We currently have official SDKs for:

If you use a different language you can just as easily call our REST API.

All interfaces are supported in both the cloud version and self deployed versions of TextRazor, making it easy to switch between the two.


Building custom text mining logic directly into your app is usually cumbersome and brittle. TextRazor lets you rapidly build custom logic in Prolog and run it on our servers, check out the customization page for more information.